Service scanning
At the moment the are no specialized service crawlers, however
auditing web services is possible by first training the system via
its proxy
The best way to perform the initial training of the system is by running your service test-suite and having its HTTP requests go through the proxy plugin.
Proxy plugin setup
You can setup the proxy like so:
./bin/arachni http://target-url --scope-page-limit=0 --checks=*,-common_*,-backup*,-backdoors,-directory_listing --plugin=proxy --audit-jsons --audit-xmls
The default proxy URL will be:
The --scope-page-limit=0
option tells the system to
not do any sort of crawl and only use what has been made visible
via the proxy.
The set --checks
option tells the system to load all
but irrelevant checks for service scans -- common files and
directories and the like don't really apply in this case.
The --audit-jsons --audit-xmls
options restrict the
scan to only JSON and XML inputs.
Test-suite setup
Test-suite configurations vary, however you can usually export the proxy setting as an environmental variable, prior to running your test-suite, like so:
export http_proxy=http://localhost:8282
If this global setting is ignored, you will need to explicitly configure your test-suite.
Exporting the input vectors
After running the test-suite, the system will have been trained
with the input vectors of the web service.
Thus, it would be a good idea to export that data, in order to
avoid having to run the training scenarios prior to each scan.
The data can be retrieved with:
http_proxy=http://localhost:8282 curl http://arachni.proxy/panel/vectors.yml -o vectors.yml
Starting the scan
In order for the scan to start you will need to shutdown the proxy:
http_proxy=http://localhost:8282 curl http://arachni.proxy/shutdown
Re-using input vector data
Data exported via the proxy plugin can be imported via the
plugin, like so:
./bin/arachni http://target-url --scope-page-limit=0 --checks=*,-common_*,-backup*,-backdoors,-directory_listing --plugin=vector_feed:yaml_file=vectors.yml
Thus, you only have to run your test-suite scenarios once, for the initial training, and then use the exported vector data for subsequent scans.
You can debug the proxy manually via simple curl
commands, like so:
http_proxy=http://localhost:8282 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "input": "value" }' http://target-url/my-resource
Then, in Arachni's terminal you'll see something like:
[*] Proxy: Requesting http://target-url/my-resource
[~] Proxy: * 0 forms
[~] Proxy: * 0 links
[~] Proxy: * 0 cookies
[~] Proxy: * 1 JSON
[~] Proxy: * 0 XML
If you require further information, you can enable the
option; acceptable verbosity values
range from 1
to 3
, 1
the default.