How to publish Arachni_web to an external IP
Hello Everybody,
Someone could help me in publishing Arachni Web Scanner to an external IP?
Actually I have Arachni in um local network but i`ll need to publish it over the internet to run Arachni from any network.
I`ve been trying to set the host to the external ip with arachni_web --host command but it works only in my internal network
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1 Posted by bWF0dC50b3JiaW4... on 09 Jan, 2018 11:39 PM
How is the public-facing IP address or domain name set up? They should be accessible without Arachni. If you don't have that, then the issue is the networking setup.
Just as a thought, Arachni has the ability to DOS a site if you turn it up. Are you sure that you want to make such a tool public-facing?